Table of contents
January 2022 - Volume 107 - 1
- Highlights from this issue (15 December, 2021)
- How equitable is the NHS really for children? (2 December, 2021)
- Clinical ethics: consent for vaccination in children (27 September, 2021)
- Paediatric narcolepsy: a review of diagnosis and management (11 May, 2021)
The authors present a comprehensive review of narcolepsy in childhood, including details on our current understanding of pathophysiology, how to investigate a child when a diagnosis is suspected and suggestions for management.
Clinical law for clinical practice
- First judgement on clinical ethics committees? (6 January, 2021)
Original research
- Child mortality in England during the COVID-19 pandemic (21 June, 2021)
Child mortality was lower in 2020 than in 2019 . Older children and those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups were more likely to have a SARS-CoV-2 positive test.
- Implementing spirometry and fractional exhaled nitric oxide testing in childhood asthma management in UK primary care: an observational study to examine training and implementation cost and impact on patient’s health use and outcome (9 July, 2021)
Is FeNO testing in primary care cost effective? Yesℏ The average training cost for the 27 primary care clinical members was £1,395. The average cost to implement and deliver the tests-guided asthma review among the 612 included children was £22.
- Risk factors for asthma attacks and poor control in children: a prospective observational study in UK primary care (20 May, 2021)
Children who have had a previous attack and those with high levels of exhaled nitric oxide are at risk of a future attack. This study highlights the importance of measuring and recording these factors at asthma reviews in primary care.
- Social and ethnic group differences in healthcare use by children aged 0–14 years: a population-based cohort study in England from 2007 to 2017 (9 July, 2021)
Population-based retrospective cohort study using individual linked data from 2007 to 2017 show social and ethnic group differences in children’s use of healthcare services in England, with deprivation associated with higher emergency and lower scheduled care use.
- Impact of genetic tests on survivors of paediatric sudden cardiac arrest (14 June, 2021)
Sudden cardiac death / resuscitated survival is rare and distressing, with implications for siblings and parents too. In 32 Taiwanese survivors of SCD with previously negative gene testing, state-of-the-art composite genetic panel testing provided new, useful information for 85%. Test, now and test again later.
- Impaired grip strength in children with congenital heart disease (17 June, 2021)
Physical fitness is an important aspect of wellness. In 569 long term survivors of CHD surgery both grip strength & health-related physical fitness (a 5 parameter composite) were reduced but the reductions were unrelated. Grip strength is easily assessed but is not a surrogate for the more complex tool.
- Feeding disorders in children with oesophageal atresia: a cross-sectional study (16 April, 2021)
This study of patients from the French national network oesophageal atresia (OA) registry used a standardised questionnaire to investigate the frequency of feeding disorders. These were diagnosed in 42%, of whom over a third had failed to thrive. The authors advocate systematic feeding assessment in follow up of children operated on for OA.
- Facilitators and barriers to the delivery of palliative care to children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions: a qualitative study of the experiences and perceptions of healthcare professionals (12 May, 2021)
Interviews with healthcare professionals explored facilitators and barriers to the use of palliative care. Implications for future practice are discussed.
Short report
- Paediatric headbox as aerosol and droplet barrier (15 July, 2021)
Drug therapy
- Pharmacokinetics and safety/tolerability of isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide in children and adolescents treated for tuberculous meningitis (28 June, 2021)
Children with TB meningitis do poorly, and this paper examines the pharmacokinetics of a commonly used drug combination to understand if drug factors contribute.
- Melatonin for non-operating room sedation in paediatric population: a systematic review and meta-analysis (30 March, 2021)
This systematic review evaluates the evidence supporting melatonin's efficacy and safety for sedation, alone and in combination.
- Novel strategy to personalise use of ibuprofen for closure of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm neonates (11 May, 2021)
This study examines the pharmacokinetics of ibuprofen given to neonates for patent ductus arteriosus closure. Low concentrations of ibuprofen can be identified, which moves studies comparing individualised dosing a step closer.
- Towards evidence-based medicine for paediatricians (15 December, 2021)
- Archivist: More on bariatric surgery (15 December, 2021)
- Archivist: GAPRUKI and PERUKI : community acquired pneumonia (15 December, 2021)
- Lucina: Highlights from the literature (15 December, 2021)