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57 Stepping stones. building and supporting a trainee nurse practitioner program
  1. Grace Banks,
  2. Charlotte Tivy-Jones
  1. GOSH


Grace Banks and Charlotte Tivy-Jones; Advanced Nurse Practitioner Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care

Background The success of advanced nurse practitioners in intensive care is widely documented. The advanced nurse practitioners (ANP) on cardiac intensive care (CICU) have set up an innovative program for training and supporting trainee nurse practitioners. All trainees are at different stages of training with an ultimate goal to function as ANPs on medical rotation, initiate and lead change projects, be innovative and forward focused.


  • Training program; university and hospital based with clear management structure

  • Competency documentation and evidencing

  • Pathway of; mentorship, feedback, support and personal development

  • Ongoing recruitment planning for role expansion

  • Medical and nursing orientation/training program

  • Structured advanced skills program in collaboration with anesthetics

  • National registration and involvement PICS/ESPNIC

Conclusions The challenges of setting-up a trainee program have been rewarded as the current trainees demonstrate increased knowledge, skill and competence. The team as it continues to grow is at the forefront of innovation and change management.

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