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P100 A practical framework for the assessment of risks and benefits of off-label prescribing in paediatrics (ARBOP-P)
  1. TM Van der Zanden1,2,3,
  2. NJ Vet4,
  3. SN de WIldt3,4,5
  1. 1Department of Paediatrics, Erasmus MC – Sophia Childrens Hospital, Rotterdam
  2. 2Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Radboud University Medical Center, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Nijmegen
  3. 3Dutch Knowledge Center Pharmacotherapy for Children, Den Haag
  4. 4Department of Paediatric Surgery, Erasmus MC – Sophia Childrens Hospital, Rotterdam
  5. 5Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Background Guidelines for off-label prescribing are emerging.1–6 However, these guidelines do not provide practical guidance to assess the risk benefit balance and select the right paediatric dose We, therefore, aimed to develop a practical framework to guide paediatric healthcare professionals to assess the risks and benefits of off-label use.

Methods We have reviewed available literature on the suggested criteria for appropriate off-label use and evaluated these criteria for relevance in paediatrics. For guidance on dose-selection we searched for regulatory guidance on paediatric drug development. Next, the literature was searched for strategies that can be applied to assess the risks and benefits of off-label use. Based on literature findings a framework was proposed to provide practical guidance to physicians for off-label prescribing. Finally, the framework was applied to a case.

Results The following conditions for appropriate off-label use were identified based on available literature: 1. Medical need for off-label use. 2. Off-label use is based on ‘high quality evidence’. As ‘high quality evidence’ in paediatrics is often lacking-, we propose to replace the need for high quality evidence by a positive risk-benefit assessment based on available evidence. 3. Parents and patients are informed. This is not feasible for every single drug prescribed off-label, we propose a graded approach 4. The outcomes of off-label use are followed up.

The PROACT-URL framework7 for decision-making as well as the FDA paediatric decision tree8 seem helpful tools to guide decisions in real-life practice.

Conclusion We identified important aspects and tools to develop a framework (ARBOP-P) to guide healthcare professionals on how to systematically assess and balance the benefits and risks for off-label use, including dose selection, to ultimately optimize efficacy and safety of paediatric off-label prescribing.


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  4. Largent EA, Miller FG, Pearson SD. Going off-label without venturing off-course: evidence and ethical off-label prescribing. Arch Intern Med 2009;169:1745–7Online.

  5. Ansani N, Sirio C, Smitherman T, et al. Designing a strategy to promote safe, innovative off-label use of medications. Am J Med Qual 2006;21:255–61Online.

  6. Weda M, Hoebert J, Vervloet M, et al. Study on the off-label use of medicinal products in the European Union.: 2017.

  7. Hammond J, Keeney R, Raiffa H. Smart Choices:A practical guide to making better decisions. Boston, MA.: Harvard Business School Press.; 2002.

  8. Dunne J, Rodriguez WJ, Murphy MD, et al. Extrapolation of adult data and other data in pediatric drug-development programs. Pediatrics. 2011;128:e1242–9 Online.

Disclosure(s) Nothing to disclose

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