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G132(P) Better communication to enhance paediatric trainees working lives
  1. F Seregni,
  2. K Gallagher,
  3. N Ganjoo,
  4. W Kelsall
  1. Paediatrics, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK


Aims During the junior doctors’ contract dispute, paediatric trainees were keen to build networks and strengthen the sense of belonging to a community, which is central in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In particular, trainees wanted to find out more information about training opportunities. In view of this, we set out to improve communication within the school of paediatrics.

Methods Four key areas of communication were identified and reviewed:

  1. A trainee working group was set up to update and manage the website

  2. Creation of a new logo for the regional school

  3. Development of an official facebook page by a group of trainees

  4. Regular dissemination of emails by a new school administrator

One year later, the effectiveness of communication within the school of paediatrics was evaluated by means of an online survey conducted over a 2 week period in September and statistical analysis from the school website and the facebook page.

Results 334 people including trainees and consultants joined the facebook page. This page is regularly updated by trainees. Some particularly relevant posts reached up to 2000 views.

School website visits increased by 14.3% from Sept 2016 to August 2017. Visits reached the highest point during the recruitment and application period (October and November). Within the deanery, the school of paediatrics has been identified as having one of the best and most informative website.

57 trainees responded to the survey. Of these 72% (41/57) accessed the facebook page, 79% (45/57) accessed the school website with 67% (38/57) mainly for information about study days. 77% (44/57) were informed about study days via email. Overall 77% (40/52) of trainees felt communication has improved within the school of paediatrics.

Conclusion The new improved communication strategies increased trainee engagement, in particular with the school website. We strongly believe that effective dissemination of training opportunities and broadcasting of school events helps promote a community spirit for paediatricians within the region. We hope that this will in future reflect onto recruitment and retention of paediatrics doctors in the Deanery.

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