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P170 The phenotype of the patient with cow’s milk protein allergy
  1. Luminita Spatariu1,2,
  2. Florentina Borozan1,
  3. Doina Anca Plesca1,2
  1. 1’Dr Victor Gomoiu’ Clinical Hospital, Bucharest
  2. 2’Carol Davila’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest


Objectives and study Cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) has increased in prevalence in recent years. CMPA becomes a public health problem in terms of the impact it has on the child and family. Allergy to cow’s milk protein is characterised by clinical polymorphism, that is why it is sometimes difficult to diagnose, especially in primary care services. To facilitate this process, we intend to bring into clinical care some possible portraits of the patients with CMPA.

We described a retrospective study, analysing the records of patients admitted to Children’s Hospital ’Dr. Victor Gomoiu ‘and diagnosed with APLV in the period January 2013 – December 2016.

Methods During the study were analysed the observation charts of patients hospitalised in the paediatric clinic who were diagnosed with CMPA. The parameters analysed were age, gender, reasons for hospitalisation, personal history, family history of allergies/atopy, type of nutrition in the postnatal period and time of diversification, anthropometric data of stature-weight development, laboratory tests. The study included 110 patients aged between 1–174 months (14 years 6 months), of which 56.4% are female and 43.6% male. 36.46% patients diagnosed with CMP are infants, 34.54% are preschoolers and 20% are schoolchildren.

Results By analysing the parameters mentioned we shaped patterns correlated with patients age: for example, infant with CMPA have digestive symptoms and unsatisfying weight curve, atopic dermatitis, they are artificially fed with a family history of atopy.

Conclusion CMPA is a polymorphic entity, both by the symptoms and by the wide range of age of patients with this condition. Thus shaping clinical profiles could ease diagnosing CMPA and can become a useful tool especially in primary care.

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