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P164 Faecal calprotectin levels in the babies with infantil colic
  1. Nalan Karabayir1,
  2. Gulbin Gokcay2,
  3. Tulin Ozden2,
  4. Ozlem Durmaz Ugurcan3
  1. 1Istanbul Medipol University, Medical Faculty, Paediatrics Department, Istanbul, Turkey
  2. 2Istanbul University, Instute of Child Health, Paediatrics Department, Istanbul, Turkey
  3. 3Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Paediatric Gastroenterology Department, Istanbul, Turkey


Introduction Excessive crying is a common semptom in the first three months of life. This situation named as infantile colic (first three months colic) is seen 10%–40% of the babies. Some theories were asserted in order to explain infantile colic, however they could not explain the aetiology in a certain way. In recent years, it is claimed that the changes in intestinal microbiota can result the colic. Measurement of faecal calprotectin showing the intestinal inflammation could be helpful for the diagnosis of infantile colic.

Aim The purpose of our study was measuring the levels of faecal calprotectin among babies with and without infantile colic to highlight the aetiology of the problem and to develop appropriate diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis.

Cases-method The study was performed at the General Paediatrics Clinic in Medipol Mega University Hospital, levels of faecal calprotectin were measured in 70 babies aged 1–3 months. Of all these infants 35 had infantile colic. Stool samples were examined with Elisa Method by using Philcalpro kit in Istanbul University Paediatric Gastroenterology Laboratory. All babies were followed at least one year.

Findings Socio-demographic and feeding characteristics of the infants with or without infantile colic were similar. The faecal calprotectin levels in the study group were significantly higher than those in the whole group. Median calprotectin values of study and control groups were 651 and 354 µgr/g respectively. There was no significant difference between the children with high calprotectin levels (>350 µgr/g) in terms of birth weight, gender, type of delivery, dietary patterns and probiotic usage. During the follow-up period, 4 children in the study group and 3 in the control had the diagnosis of food allergy.

In conclusion, the high levels of calprotectin in stool may indicate the presence of intestinal inflammation may play a role in the aetiology of infantile colic.

  • crying
  • calprotectin
  • infant
  • infantile colic
  • intestinal inflamation

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