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P144 A view into the future
  1. Marija Deanović,
  2. Svetlana Pakaški
  1. Health centre Pancevo Serbia


Introduction Knowledge has an enormous power in establishing the system of values and in a decision-making process. The more you know, the better you understand the world that surrounds you; the better you understand it, the better decisions you make, and therefore it is less likely to be engaged in risky behaviour that could lead to health damage.

The aim To present the research results to the questions, among the elementary and secondary school children in Pancevo, aged 14 to 18, both sexes, which are healthy and have a normal growth and development

Could non-learning be a risk to health damage?

Is individual responsibility important for one,s own health?

Methods The instrument of research is the original multiple-choice questionnaire completed by anonymous examinees.

Results 200 students of both sexes, aged 14 to 18, were examined by survey.

Non-learning can be a risk for health damage – 52 (26%) students.

It is not, – 98 (49%) students.

‘School is a disease’, – 50 (25%) students.

Responsibility for one’s own health is important, −200(100%) students.

Conclution The acquired knowledge about the consequences of engaging in risky behaviour, encourage the use of developmentally appropriate and responsible behaviour thus forming the responsibility for oneself and the others. Learning can prevent health damage thus increasingsocial capital, and hence sociable capital. Only healthy youngsters are our bright future, not a problem to be solved.

  • Learning
  • responsible behaviour
  • health
  • power

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