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OC-74 The metabolic consequences of feeding types of preterm neonates
  1. Gabriela Zaharie1,
  2. Ligia Blaga1,
  3. Monica Hasmasanu1,
  4. Toader Zaharie3,
  5. Tudor Drugan2,
  6. Daniel Muresan4,
  7. Ioana Rotar4,
  8. Melinda Matyas1
  1. 1Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Neonatology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  2. 2Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Medical Informatics and Biostatistics, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  3. 3Regional Institut Of Gastro-Enterology and Hepathology, Cluj, Romania
  4. 4Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology I, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Background and aim High risk newborns are often much smaller than healthy infants when are discharged from hospital. Different types of feeding: breastmilk, formula or mixed can influence growth rates and improve development.

The aims of the study were to evaluate the growth rates; catch–up rate and some biological parameters of the nutritional status such as: hemoglobine, iron, calcium, phosphor, magnesium, the level of plasmatic protein, nitrogen balance at differents ages : 1-2-4-6 months in three different types of nutrition – breastmilk, special formula for premature, breastmilk with premature formula or started formula.

Material and methods A retrospective study was performed in a tertiary neonatal care unit between 2011–2013 in the County Hospital of Cluj, Romania on 383 infants presented to periodical examination in the follow-up program: 465 records. We divided into 3 categories : group I-VG≤32 weeks, group II-VG between 32–36 weeks and group III-VG≥36 weeks of gestation. The evaluation consultations were performed at 1-2-3-4-5-6 months.

Each evaluation consisted of determining: weight, CBC, calcium, iron, magnesium, protein, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) levels.

Informed consent was obtained Statistical analysis was made with Microsoft Excel 2016 and IBM SPSS v.23.

Results Growth rate up to 6 months wasn ‘t significantly influenced by the type of feeding (p=0.319).

Hemoglobine at 2 months highlighted statistically higher values in formula fed group: 11.77±2.07g compare with premature formula fed group:10.848±1,7556g(p=0.008).

The values of iron at 2 months hasn’t presented any significant differences according to the types of feeding (p=0.475). There is a significant decrease of iron levels that occurs gradually with age in the breastfed ones, r=−0.89.

Different calcium levels were registered according to types of feeding (p=0.003) until 6 months.

Magnesemia were not influenced by feeding type at any groups.

BUN in group I was significantly smaller in breastfed compared with premature formula fed infants(p=0.000) at 2 months. Up to 6 months the value is significantly lowered in cases of breastfed, p=0.001.

The values of the protein in≤32 weeks is directly influenced by the type of feeding p=0.024.

Protein levels is significantly influenced in group II(p=0.026).

Phosphatemia is significantly influenced by the type of feeding in group II(p=0.043).

ConclutionS Increase in bodyweight of newborns under 32 SS isn’t influenced significantly by the type of feeding up to 6 months.

Calcium registered significantly different values under the different types of feeding in the prematures≤32 weeks of gestation in the first 6 months of life.

Phosphoremia is significantly influenced by the type of feeding in the second group.

Iron drops significantly with age in breastfedgroup.

The level of protein in group I is directly influenced by the type of feeding.

At 2 months of age BUN is significantly influenced by the type of feeding in the first group.

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