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OC-5 What is this? can video recordings help?
  1. Dana Craiu1,2,
  2. Diana Barca1,2,
  3. Oana Tarta-Arsene1,2,
  4. Mihai Craiu3,4
  1. 1Carol Davila University of Medicine, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Paediatric Neurology Discipline II
  2. 2Alexandru Obregia Clinical Hospital, Paediatric Neurology Clinic
  3. 3Carol Davila University of Medicine, Department of Paediatrics, Paediatrics II- INSMC
  4. 4Alessandrescu-Rusescu Hospital, Paediatric II Clinic


Video Recordings are very useful in the clinical practice. Most times physicians should diagnose their patients based on descriptions coming from parents or other family members that are emotionally involved. It is very difficult to differentiate some entities in this circumstances. This is why many times there are patients who receive unnecessary treatment or, on the contrary, are deprived of useful remedies. The presenter aims a practical and interactive discussion based on videos and case presentations underlying the role of home video and of video-EEG recording methods. Different non-epileptic and epileptic events will be presented and key recognition issues will be underlined.

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