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P348 Paediatric education in ukraine
  1. OP Volosovets1,
  2. YuS Piatnytskyi1,
  3. HV Beketova1,
  4. SP Kryvopustov2,
  5. OYe Abaturov3,
  6. TO Kriuchko4,
  7. LM Boiarska5,
  8. OV Mozyrska2
  1. Ministry of Health of Ukraine
  2. 1P. L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education
  3. 2O. O. Bohomoltsa National Medical University
  4. 3Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the MoH of Ukraine
  5. 4Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
  6. 5Zaporizhzhia State Medical University


Background Currently, Ukraine has a staged system of training of the paediatricians that starts from a six-year pre-degree education of the students under the speciality ‘Paediatrics’, further two-year internship with certification as a medical professional that gives a right for medical practice at the territory of Ukraine. Education of more than 5 thousand future paediatricians is performed in 11 medical universities and 2 medical academies. Post-graduate education can be obtained in 3 medical academies of post-graduate education.

Objective of the study is the analysis of Paediatric education in Ukraine and ways of its adaptation to European standards.

The methods of this study are analytic.

Results Special attention should be paid to the development of the current standards of pre- and post-graduate education under the speciality ‘Paediatrics’ and maintenance of the current range of the state order up to 780 persons annually, which corresponds to the needs of the country at present against the background of reducing the number of paediatricians to 9000 persons, especially in the conflict zone in the East. Other secondary paediatric specialities will be switched from current several month specialisations to the stage of two-year Medical residency that is specified by the Law of Ukraine ‘On Higher Education’. Higher form of professional improvement for paediatricians is a two-year clinical ordinature under the appropriate paediatric speciality.

Conclusions Certainly, such evolutionary stage education corresponds to the current challenges, precipitates us to the standards of European integration by terms and content, improves practical training of paediatricians, quality and consistency of paediatric education and will create reliable base for constant professional development of paediatricians that is to be controlled as well as their attestation by the Association of Ukrainian Paediatricians in future.

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