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P332 Hybrid technique of plastic closure of nasal septum perforation in children
  1. Rusetsky Yuri,
  2. Spiranskaya Olga,
  3. Latysheva Elena,
  4. Malyavina Ulyana
  1. Department of the ENT, Scientific Centre of Children Health, Moscow, Russian Federation


Nasal septum perforations in adults are widely discussed in literature but there is too small data concerning this pathology in children.

Aim of present study to assess the efficacy of combined technique of plastic closure of nasal septum perforation under endoscopic control in children.

Methods Nineteen children with nasal septum perforation aged from 10 to 17 years old were operated from 2013 to 2015. Patients complained with nasal obstruction, wheezing, dry nose. In 15 cases (70%) nasal septum perforation was incidental finding during ENT examination. 3 (20%) children complained with nasal obstruction for several years, intermittently used nasal decongestion drops and intranasal corticosteroids. Examination revealed dry mucosa of nasal cavity and nasal septum deviation in all cases. Perforations had round and slit-like shape, situated in anterior part of nasal septum. Size of the perforation varying from 0,3*0,5 cm to 1 cm.

All patients underwent plastic closure of nasal septum perforation. To increase the efficacy of surgery we united two surgical methods: mobilisation and advancement of nasal mucosal flap and using pedicle mucosal flap from internal buccal surface. All surgical steps were performed under endoscopic control.

Results 18 patients had positives surgery result, perforation was successfully closed. One 17 years old girl had residual perforation 2 mm*2 mm without clinical symptoms.

Conclusions ‘Hybrid’ technique of plastic closure of nasal septum perforation in children under endoscopic control is effective and reliable method.

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