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OC-37 Study of oxidativ stress in preterm neonates
  1. Melinda Matyas,
  2. Monica Hasmasanu,
  3. Ligia Blaga,
  4. Gabriela Zaharie
  1. University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu, Neonatology Department, Cluj Napoca


Aim Preterm neonates associate a more pronounced oxidative stress than term healthy newborns.Several neonatal condition like respiratory distress (RDS),asphyxia, intraventricular hemorhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy and necrotizing enterocolitis will increase the oxidative stress. The aim of the study was to evaluate the oxidative stress trough the lipid peroxidation at preterm newborns with different pathological conditions associated to preterm birth.

Material and methods We conducted a prospective, non –randomised study.The study group was represented by sixty preterm newborns with RDS. The control was represented by 20 healthy term newborns. For all patients family’s consent was obtained. The study of the oxidative stress was performed by measurement of malonildyaldehide (MDA) with Satoh’s method. For each newborn we determined the MDA on the first and third day of life. For the control was carried out one determination on the first day of life.The statistical analysis was done using the statistica programm.

Results In the study group the RDS was present in different forms:mild – 35% newborns, medium −42% and severe – 23%. Seven newborns presented neonatal septicemia. Cerebral haemorrhage was present at 12 newborns of the study group. Asphyxia at birth was present at 11 preterm neonates. MDA was higher at the neonates with the above circumstances. On the first day of life the MDA value was higher than on third day at the control. Study group MDA was significantly higher than at control.

Conclusion Different conditions associated to preterm delievry will increase the oxidative stress. The oxidative stress is more severe at this category than at healthy control neonates.

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