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OC-27 At home developmental tracking app by parent increases early detection of delays
  1. Jin Lee,
  2. Jonathan Tuttle,
  3. Jay Neyer,
  4. Sofilina Wilhite,
  5. Avishaan Sethi


Qidza Fouondation CDC reports that 1/6 child has developmental and behavioural problems. Extensive research proves that early detection can improve outcomes and reduce costly interventions ($23K savings per child-Glascoe et al, 1997; WHO, 2007). Yet 52% of paediatricians don’t have time or expertise to screen for developmental issues (American Academy of Paediatrics, 2014). To test whether parents are better screeners of developmental issues, we partnered with 2 paediatric clinics to develop a new model of early child health screening using a mobile app, BabyNoggin.

The app

1. educates parents on simple behavioural milestone-based assessments through step-by-step video and written instructions, that covers language, autism, sensory, motor, and cogitative

2. encourages parents to interact with their baby by performing age-appropriate screenings

3. gives parents actionable activities that they can do to help babies achieve the milestone and enhance bonding.

Among the 1071 app downloads, 80% are first time parents. 77% of parents reported their children’s developmental health is their top concern. After two months using the app, 78% of parents reported increase understanding of developmental milestones. 96% completed at least one developmental screening. With a proper mobile tool, parents will actively participate in their children’s developmental screening.

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