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G353(P) Pico meetings – an example of innovative interdepartmental collaboration
  1. A Karupaiah1,
  2. S Purchase2,
  3. H Morris3,
  4. D Jyothish3
  1. Paediatrics, Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
  2. Education and Learning team, Medical Library, Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
  3. Paediatrics, Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK


We describe a model for collaboration with a medical librarian to support evaluation of research evidence and embed evidence-based clinical practice in a multi-professional paediatric team. The department has a regular programme of education but prior to the development of this meeting, we had no formal setting for evidence based medicine.

Critical appraisal is an essential skill for clinical trainees and practitioners. In our deanery, paediatric trainees are required to complete at least 4 clinical questions in a 12 month period. We wished to ensure that the whole department could benefit and our team are competent in critical appraisal. This meeting allows all trainees to gain these skills and provides practice updates for the whole team.

One of the difficulties in answering PICO questions is in identifying good-quality evidence in the literature. To facilitate highquality systematic review, we engaged the help of a medical librarian.

For the past 12 months, we have run a weekly meeting where we look at PICO questions that have arisen during recent clinical care.

A rota was drawn up involving team members. The assigned presenter chooses a clinical question from a list the team have previously generated. The presenter liaises with the librarian who performs the literature search and shares the details of the search which upskills the team in performing an effective literature search. The presenter then discusses their appraisal of the literature and makes recommendations about how these findings should apply to practice.

Findings from team survey showed 84% (11/13) of team members felt these meetings helped develop critical appraisal skills. 90% (10/11) used information from search for patient care. There was increased awareness of library resources and appreciation of the value added by the input from the librarian. Areas for improvement included better means of dissemination of the information and a need to evaluate the barriers in implementing the PICO recommendations into clinical practice.

PICO meetings add value to the usual departmental teaching programme. The involvement of a medical librarian adds significant value to this meeting.

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