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Themes emerging from State of Child Health: UK and Australia
  1. Mitch Blair1,
  2. Harriet Hiscock2,3,4
  1. 1 Department of Paediatrics and Child Public Health, River Island Academic Centre, Imperial College, Harrow, UK
  2. 2 Health Services Research Unit, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  3. 3 Department of Community Health Services Research, Centre for Community Child Health, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  4. 4 Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
  1. Correspondence to Professor Mitch Blair, Paediatrics and Child Public Health, River Island Academic Centre, Imperial College Northwick Park Hospital Campus, LNWH NHS Trust, Watford Rd Harrow HA1 3UJ, UK; m.blair{at}

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The view from the UK

Some 20 years ago, it was suggested to the relatively newly established Royal College that it might be advisable to develop a regular report on the health of children of Great Britain. At the time, a Working party was set up, chaired by Aidan Macfarlane, and a wide membership of stakeholders was gathered together and a Delphi carried out as to which topics should be covered. The driving principles of that report were stated as giving added value to existing reports and should emphasise evidence-based interventions which might improve child health outcomes. A draft was produced but the Council rejected it on the basis that it was not a priority or core business for the new College at the time and there were insufficient resources to support its appropriate development (RCPCH Council Minutes and personal correspondence Blair 1999).

However, this current report is very well produced and clearly lays out the state of child health in the four countries of the UK highlighting a life course approach with key conditions and services emphasised. The report has come at an opportune time with the spotlight clearly on children from a number of key reports including those of the Chief Medical Officers.1 Some of the drivers have included the lack of progress the UK is making compared with other countries, particularly in mortality statistics, and the pernicious effects of social inequalities on children’s lives and well-being. If we were to select a number of themes which run through the report, they are as follows:

Better integrated data collection is required 

Data are missing where it matters and data help to make matters visible. This includes recommendations to: have a UK-wide system for the analysis and interpretation of child mortality data which can be used for accurate international comparison, collect regular mental health survey data, improve the recording of smoking …

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  • Contributors Both authors contributed equally and MB collated them for submission.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.