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To inform audience of how simulation is a useful tool to embed a new ‘missing child ‘policy into practice.
Method The simulations are measuring how quickly the missing child policy is implemented, the time until ‘shut down’ which is the stage of calling the police. The clinical teams do not know it is happening until they are informed ‘this is a simulation – a child has been removed from your ward’.
A group of key representatives from across the trust became the simulation faculty. This team consisted of:
2 matrons
2 educators
Security manager
Switchboard manager
Clinical bleep holder
Simulated ‘abductor’
Faculty members were tasked with the completion of timesheets and allocated observations points to capture activity across the trust. Debriefing with the identification of learning is completed at the end of simulation.
Results At the time of Abstract submission, 2 simulations had been delivered. The results of the 2 simulations are:
Conclusion Time to lockdown remains slow. Through simulation staff have improved their awareness and procedures to follow. It is evident how quickly a child can be removed and into a car (8 min). Through simulation of a missing child, the time the trust escalates to outside agencies, could be shortened. Simulations will continue 3 weekly to improve response rate.