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G397(P) Use of a short instructional video improves performance of neonatal resuscitation skills
  1. KM Knight1,
  2. S Boutros1,
  3. C Harper1,
  4. N Aladangady1,2,3,
  5. P Fleming1,2
  1. 1Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Homerton University Hospital, London, UK
  2. 2Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
  3. 3Department of Paediatrics, SDM Medical College and Hospitals, Dharwad, India


Introduction In the United Kingdom, practical training in neonatal resuscitation is a requirement for neonatal practitioners. Good quality, effective resuscitation can improve short and long term outcomes and prevent many immediate perinatal complications.

Resuscitation skills deteriorate rapidly if not used daily. A particularly rapid loss of skills occurs in the first 3–6 months after attending a resuscitation course. Currently there is no formal program for refresher training in neonatal resuscitation skills in the four year period until mandatory recertification. E-learning and video based training has been shown to be an effective means of teaching and refreshing adult and paediatric resuscitation skills.

Aims/Method This study evaluated whether a ‘refresher’ training video could improve performance in neonatal healthcare professionals. We produced a 3 min video with voiceover, demonstrating key neonatal resuscitation skills. Eighty six clinical staff members (32 midwives, 31 neonatal nurses and 23 doctors) volunteered to participate in the study; their neonatal resuscitation skills were assessed before and after viewing the video.

Results There was a statistically significant improvement in all skills assessed across all professional groups after viewing the video. Key results: 59% of midwives delivered effective inflation breaths pre video compared to 96% post video (P = 0.0005). Nurses’ checking of the correct set up of resuscitation equipment improved from 64% to 93% (P = 0.0001). Sixty-five percent of doctors checked the Positive End-Expiratory (PEEP) pressures before seeing the video, increasing to 100% afterwards (P = 0.0072).

Abstract G397(P) Table 1

Shows breakdown of results by professional group—number of participants successfully demonstrating component skills, comparing pre and post-training video

Abstract G397(P) Figure 1

Graph to show percentage of participants successfully demonstrating component skills, comparing performance pre- and post-training videos

Conclusion Videos such as this could form part of a training package available to staff who wish to refresh their resuscitation skills through self-directed learning, or become part of mandatory training updates.

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