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Images in paediatrics
An erythematous palmoplantar rash due to human parechovirus
  1. Camilla Loi,
  2. Michela Magnano,
  3. Giulia Maria Ravaioli,
  4. Iria Neri
  1. Division of Dermatology, Department of Specialized, Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  1. Correspondence to Dr Michela Magnano, Via Massarenti 1, Clinica Dermatologica, Bologna 40138, Italy; michela.magnano{at}

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A one-month-old infant was admitted to the paediatric unit with high fever (38.5°C) and irritability. He was otherwise healthy and born at term. His parents reported contact with a cousin with high fever. The physical examination was unremarkable except for tense fontanelle. Suspecting infection, an antibiotic (amoxicillin) and antiviral (ganciclovir) therapies were started. However, the blood count, the C-reactive protein and the cerebrospinal fluid analysis were normal, …

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  • Author note This case was presented as a poster at the European Society of Pediatric Dermatology Congress 2016. Pediatric Dermatology 2016;33:S27–S59, poster P048.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Patient consent Parental/guardian consent obtained.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.