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Aim The aim of our study was to review the outcome of hip screening ultrasound scan in high risk babies for further evaluation of developmental dysplasia of hip in the district general hospital.
Methods This is a retrospective study. We looked at the outcome of the USS hip performed for the period of 18 months from June 2013 to October 2014 in our trust in high risk patient group with breech presentation, family history of DDH, twin deliveries with one of the twin born with breech presentation and on the clinical suspicion after clinical examination of the hip. Data was collected using hospital notes, PACS system was used for USS results.
Results In total 553 USS hip was performed for further evaluation of DDH out of which only 4 scans were abnormal. Three of this abnormal scans were in babies born with breech presentation and one was in a baby who’s mother had history of DDH needed intervention in past. Out of this 4 abnormal scans 3 scans were Graf Type IIa and one was Graf type D.
Conclusion In our experience we have observed a significantly low percentage of clinically relevant USS results for DDH even in selected high risk babies.