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G466(P) Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (peg) in disable children – a bench marking exercise
  1. SS Saran,
  2. DW Wasala,
  3. NA Ayub
  1. Paediatrics, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Shrewsbury, UK


Background The Paediatric Gastroenterology Unit based at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital provides a service for two hospitals. Its subsequent management is supported by the Community Paediatric Nurses.

A benchmarking exercise of the PEG Service was undertaken and audited against the European Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) Guidelines.

Methods All children with a PEG in–situ were identified from the Community Nurses PEG database. The elctronic records of these patients were accessed for relevant data and input into a Microsoft Excel 2010 database by a single researcher. The ESPEN standards were used to audit the service in the relevant domains.

Results 53 children with a PEG were identified. There was a clearly documented indication for a PEG in 96%, with neurologically disabled children at risk of aspiration comprising the largest group (47%). Feeding difficulties and Failure to thrive (FTT) made up 30% while other indications were Sensory Feeding Disorder in combination with other primary disorders (13%) dysmotility (4%) and metabolic causes (2%). The primary diagnosis was neurological in 55%, gastrointestinal 11%, renal 4% and cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine 2% each. There were multiple diagnoses in 11%

Nasogastric feeds were instituted and documented prior to the PEG in 94% and may have been used in a further 2% but not documented.

More then half the children had their PEG sited at the age of 13––36 months (52%), a further 15% under 13 months while 20% were after the age of 36 months. Almost one third of the children (29%) had no complications from the PEG. Localised infection was the commonest complication (28%) with granulation tissue (13%), mechanical problems (dislodgement 8%, blockage 4%), skin ulceration (10%) and leakage (8%) as other complications.

PEG feeds were succesful in improving the weight centiles of these patients.

Parental satisfaction with the service could not be evaluated retrospectively.

Conclusions The PEG Service at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust adheres to ESPEN standards in the majority of patients and is associated with a low complication rate. Parental Satisfaction with the service should be sought prospectively.

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