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G39(P) The role of simbaby® in advancing undergraduate nursing and medical education
  1. B McNaughten1,
  2. D Corkin2,
  3. P Cardwell2,
  4. D O’Donoghue3
  1. 1Neonatal Unit, Royal Jubilee Maternity Hospital, Belfast, UK
  2. 2Childrens Nursing – School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK
  3. 3Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK


Aims Since inception in 2006 an Inter-professional Education (IPE) project has become embedded within Children’s Nursing and Medical Curricula at an internationally recognised university. Inter-professional high-fidelity simulation teaching using SimBaby® has been developed to provide an integrated approach to student learning and highlights the importance of teamwork, mutual respect and understanding of the roles of other professionals. It aims to assist students in developing the fundamental knowledge and skills required to assess and manage children presenting with common medical emergencies while enhancing student’s use of clinical tools such as the SBAR framework.

Methods Fourth year Medical students, undertaking their Child Healthcare module, alongside third year children’s nursing students, each participate in a simulated scenario based on a common paediatric emergency. The student group are observed by both facilitators and their peers, who provide constructive feedback on aspects of performance including patient safety, situational awareness, communication, clinical skills and decision making.

Results Students were invited to complete a validated questionnaire composed of Likert-scales to determine their reactions to the simulated learning experience. Focus groups were used to further explore these experiences. The results suggest that students evaluate this learning activity very positively and have stated that they value the opportunity to exercise clinical judgement and decision making skills without endangering the child. Other comments have included:

‘I think we should have much more exposure to SimBaby training’

‘SimBaby is a very useful, practical and memorable learning tool’.

A recent evaluation revealed that 94% of paediatric trainees who helped facilitate at SimBaby® felt it had improved their teaching skills, whilst 82% stated that this project had enhanced their ability to provide constructive feedback. To-date this SimBaby® project has achieved two prestigious prizes, a University Teaching Award in 2008 and a Research award (2009).

Conclusion SimBaby® is an important initiative within a portfolio of IPE projects, providing a highly valued learning opportunity for both medical and nursing students and those healthcare professionals involved in facilitating the sessions.

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