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- Published on: 19 June 2017
- Published on: 19 June 2017Night activity Paediatric Consultant Advisory Service (PCAS) for General Practitioners in Oxfordshire: sweet-talk for healthcare & efficiency ?
Our Paediatric Consultant Advisory Service (PCAS) was set up in 2010 as communication between Oxfordshire General Practitioners and General Paediatricians to provide a cost-saving means of reducing the numbers of outpatient face-to-face attendees. Twelve General Paediatrician Consultants rostered for Resident-oncall night duty (21.00h-09.00h) respond to email queries from Oxfordshire GPs, aiming for a standard response within 24h period. Thirty-six GP surgeries utilised this email service and Resident Paediatric Consultants responded as part of Night activity a mean of 9 emails (median 8, range 3-20) during night hours. This confirmed that between 2011-2013 there was a five fold increase of number of GP advice-seeking emails (Annual Total for [2011-2012] was 156; for [2012-2013] was 780); between 2013-2016 emails have now doubled to 1800 emails per year (5,400 emails); there were only 2 Complaints, 15 Compliments to advisory service; the complexity of questions has emerged from 1-2 line questions in 2010-2011, to paragraphs, now seeking response to a range clinical questions entailing 10-12 lines and attached clinic consultation letters.
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Quality anlaysis of a 3 month period of audit (1st September – 30th November 2013), 122 email questions arrived: of these 81 (66%) were responded to within <24hours (set standard); 15 ( 12.3%) in 24-48h; 26 (21.3%) > 48hours. 6 did not have adequate patient details so did not receive first advice response; )
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