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G250 Does an emergency triage assessment and treatment plus admission (etat+) course followed by repeat visits of uk consultant paediatricians to district hospitals in a low income country improve children’s care?
  1. M Becker1,
  2. RL Boon2,
  3. C Daman-Willems3,
  4. J Langton4,
  5. D Schapira5,
  6. P Ntigurirwa6,
  7. J Wachira7,
  8. T Lissauer8
  1. 1General Paediatrics, Hinchinbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon, UK
  2. 2General Paediatrics, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK
  3. 3General Paediatrics, University Hospital Lewisham, London, UK
  4. 4General Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi
  5. 5General Paediatrics, Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester, UK
  6. 6General Paediatrics, Muhima Hospital, Kigali, Rwanda
  7. 7General Paediatrics, Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya
  8. 8General Paediatrics, Imperial College London, London, UK


Aims To evaluate the ETAT+ course on the recognition and treatment of sick children, supported by visits from UK Consultant Paediatricians, in 6 district hospitals in Rwanda.

Methods RCPCH supported ETAT+ courses were delivered followed by four, six monthly one week visits by six UK Consultant Paediatricians for training, support and review of service delivery. At each visit implementation plans were devised and progress reviewed. Changes were identified by internal assessment and direct observation.

Conclusion There have been marked improvements in service delivery in all hospitals over two years. Hospital directors fedback a desire to improve services through review and training and guidance by external experts providing impetus for improvements. Remote mentorship was not utilised, with feedback suggesting issues with language, internet access and fear of criticism.

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