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Imaging in suspected child abuse: necessity or radiation hazard?
  1. Monika Bajaj1,
  2. Amaka C Offiah2
  1. 1Child Protection (Community Health Services), Royal London Hospital, London, UK
  2. 2Academic Unit of Child Health, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Monika Bajaj, mbajaj{at}


Imaging has many uses, but in cases of suspected child abuse, radiographs and CT scans are vital in identifying fractures and head injury that may not be clinically obvious. There are growing concerns about the small but potential adverse effects of radiation, including cancer, in the paediatric population as a result of imaging. The vast majority of general paediatricians undertaking child abuse assessments request skeletal surveys and CT scans, subjecting children to significant amounts of radiation. Informed consent must be taken from parents for these procedures and therefore this paper aims to look at evidence of the dangers of radiation in children and raise awareness among paediatricians.

  • Child Abuse
  • Skeletal Survey
  • Radiation
  • Cancer
  • Imaging

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