Table 2

Guideline recommendations in included studies

Study IDCountryYearConditionGuideline recommendation (summary)
Tyrstrup et al14Sweden2010Children 1–12 years with uncomplicated AOMFirst lineWait-and-see for 3 days
Second linePenicillin V (first choice antibiotic)
Palma et al11Italy2010Children >2 years with uncomplicated,
non-severe AOM
First lineAnalgesics, wait-and-see for 3 days
Second lineFirst choice: high-dose amoxicillin (80–90 mg per kg per day)
Second choice: cephalosporin
Children 6 months–2 years with uncomplicated AOM Children >2 years with severe AOM*First lineFirst choice: high-dose amoxicillin (80–90 mg per kg per day)
Second choice: cephalosporin
Levy et al9France2011Children >2 years with uncomplicated AOMFirst lineWait-and-see, reassessment after 48–72 hours
Second lineHigh-dose amoxicillin (80–90 mg per kg per day)
Children <2 years with uncomplicated AOM
Children >2 years with severe AOM*
First lineHigh-dose amoxicillin (80–90 mg per kg per day)
Second lineAmoxicillin/clavulanic-acid or cefpodoxime in case of treatment failure
McGrath et al10USA2004Children >2 years with uncomplicated,
non-severe AOM
First lineAnalgesics, wait-and-see for 3 days
Second lineFirst choice: high-dose amoxicillin (80–90 mg per kg per day)
Second choice: cephalosporin
Children 6 months–2 years with uncomplicated AOM Children >2 years with severe AOM*First lineFirst choice: high-dose amoxicillin (80–90 mg per kg per day)
Second choice: cephalosporin
Coco et al8USA2004Children >2 years with uncomplicated,
non-severe AOM
First lineAnalgesics, wait-and-see for 3 days
Second lineFirst choice: high-dose amoxicillin (80–90 mg per kg per day)
Second choice: cephalosporin
Children 6 months–2 years with uncomplicated AOM Children >2 years with severe AOM*First lineFirst choice: high-dose amoxicillin (80–90 mg per kg per day)
Second choice: cephalosporin
Thompson et al13UK2003
Children >2 years with uncomplicated,
non-severe AOM
First lineAnalgesics, wait-and-see for 24–72 hours
Second lineAmoxicillin thrice daily 125–250 mg, for 5 days
Second choice: erythromycin, azithromycin or clarithromycin
Children <2 years or severe AOM or recurrent infectionsFirst lineAmoxicillin thrice daily 125–250 mg, for 5 days
Rios, et al12Spain2001Children >6 months with uncomplicated AOMFirst lineHigh-dose amoxicillin for a minimum of 5 days
Second lineAmoxicillin/clavulanic-acid or ceftriaxone if no response within 48–72 hours
Children <6 months with uncomplicated AOM
Children >6 months with severe AOM
First lineAmoxicillin/clavulanic-acid or ceftriaxone
Second lineTympanocentesis and treatment according to results of Gram staining and antibiotic sensitivity
  • *Severe AOM is defined as moderate to severe otalgia with fever >39°C.

  • AOM, acute otitis media; N/A, not available.