Table 2

Comparative postarrival international infectious diseases and vaccination guidelines for refugees resettling in high-income countries

Condition*†ASID (Australasia)9CDC (USA)8CCIRH (Canada)10
  • All <20 years

  • 20–50 years from high incidence countries

MalariaAllSub-Saharan African refugees with no predeparture therapy receive presumptive treatment/screeningNot routine
SchistosomiasisAfrican and South-East Asian refugeesPresumptive treatment/screening if no predeparture therapy or symptomaticAfrican refugees
StrongyloidesAllAfrican and South-East Asian refugees
Other intestinal helminthsPresumptive treatment/screening if no predeparture therapy/symptomatic/eosinophiliaNot specified
HBVAll≥18 years from countries with moderate/high rate of chronic HBV (≥2%) and no documentation of negative HBsAg or risk factors presentRefugees from countries with moderate/high rate of chronic HBV (≥2% positive HBsAg)
Hepatitis CAllAnyone with risk factorsRefugees from countries with a prevalence of ≥3%
  • 13–64 years, unless they decline

  • <13 years, unless negative maternal HIV status

Adolescents and adults from countries with a prevalence of >1%
  • ≥15 years, if no overseas results available

  • <15 years with risk factors

Not routine
Chlamydia trachomatis
  • All adults

  • Youth who are sexually active or may have been sexually assaulted

Refugees with symptoms or risk factorsNot routine
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
ImmunisationsCatch-up regimen according to Australian Standard Immunisation ScheduleCatch-up regimen according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization PracticesRefugees at risk‡
  • *Specific investigations/diagnostic algorithms are outlined in the referenced guidelines and will be host-country dependent.

  • †Informed consent for screening must be undertaken at the time, with use of professional interpreters as required.

  • ‡Vaccination updates for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, varicella and human papillomavirus.

  • ASID, Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CCIRH, Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health; HBV, Hepatitis B virus; HBsAg, Hepatitis B surface antigen.