Table 1

Policy scenarios developed to model costs and potential savings

Definition of breast feeding and rate used (base case)*Alternative policy scenarios modelled
Gastrointestinal illnesses
Lower Respiratory tract infections
Acute otitis media
Scenario A0: current rate (base case) for ‘exclusive’ breast feeding rate at 4 months (7%)Scenario A1: increase from 7% to 21% at 4 months, (21% refers to the rate currently observed at 6 weeks)Scenario A2: increase from 7% to 45% at 4 months, 45% refers to the rate currently observed at 1 weekScenario A3: increase from 7% to 65% at 4 months, 65% refers to the rate currently observed at birth
Scenario B0: current rate (base case) for ‘exclusive’ breast feeding rate at 6 months (0.5%)Scenario B1: increase from 0.5% to 7%, (7% refers to the rate currently observed at 4 months)
Scenario C0: current rate (base case) for ‘any breast feeding’ rate at 6 months (25%)Scenario C1: increase from 25% to 48%, (48% refers to the rate currently observed at 6 weeks)
Necrotising enterocolitisScenario D0: current rate (base case): Any breast milk feeding rate at discharge from neonatal unit neonatal units (35%)Scenario D1: increase from 35% to a hypothetical 50%Scenario D2: increase from 35% to a hypothetical 75%Scenario D3: increase from 35% to a hypothetical 100%
Maternal breast cancerScenario E0: current rates (base case): 32% parous women never breast feeding, 36% breast feeding for ≤6 months, 16% breast feeding for 7–18 months, 16% breast feeding for 18+ months Scenario E1: Increase rate of breast feeding for ≤6 months to 52%, 16% never, 52% ≤6 months; 16% 7–18 months, 16% 18+ months Scenario E2: Increase rate of breast feeding for ≤18 months to 32%, 16% never, 36% ≤6 months 32%, 7–18 months, 16% 18+ months Scenario E3: Increase rate of breast feeding for 18+ months to 32%, 16% never, 36% ≤6 months, 16% 7–18 months, 32% 18+ months 
  • *Source for base case breastfeeding figures: A0-C0 (IFS 20058); D0 (MOSAIC cohort19); E0 (Million Women Study12). Note that at the time of this study, 2010 IFS data1 on breastfeeding rates were not available. Hence, the use of 2005 IFS data for A0-C0.