Abstract G59 Table 2

Comparative knowledge rural vs urban

RegionRuralUrbanp Value
No. of participants104 (29%)137 (39%)241 (68%)54 (15%)60 (17%)114 (32%)
Level of information
Named scheduled vaccinations8 (2%)48 (14%)56 (16%)5 (1%)18 (5%)23 (6%)0.585
Recalled amount GP visits30 (8%)78 (22%)108 (30%)15 (4%)32 (9%)47 (13%)0.567
Incidence(s) to reschedule vaccination4 (1%)3 (1%)7 (2%)1 (0%)2 (1%)3 (1%)1.000
Contraindications to vaccinations27 (8%)54 (15%)81 (23%)13 (4%)27 (8%)40 (11%)0.720
Knowledge level
Death: complication of measles27 (8%)46 (13%)73 (21%)12 (3%)18 (5%)30 (8%)0.456
Meningitis: complication of mumps13 (4%)26 (7%)39 (11%)3 (1%)10 (3%)13 (4%)0.264
Spontaneous abortion: complication of rubella37 (10%)66 (19%)103 (29%)12 (3%)30 (8%)42 (12%)0.301
Pneumonia: complication of pertussis26 (7%)52 (15%)78 (22%)12 (3%)23 (6%)35 (10%)0.808
Influenza vaccine doesn't give flu symptoms48 (14%)60 (17%)108 (30%)23 (6%)35 (10%)58 (16%)0.306
Don't know what PCV protects against58 (16%)50 (14%)108 (30%)40 (11%)26 (7%)66 (19%)0.023
  • GP, general practitioner; MP, multiparous; PCV, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; PP, primiparous