Table 3

Children hospitalised for a first episode of arthritis in 2008–2009: joint involvement at first hospitalisation

   Number of affected jointsAffected joint
   MonoarthritisOligoar thritis*Polyar thritis†KneeHipAnkleOthers‡
 Number of patientsPer centnPer centnPer centnPer centnPer centnPer centnPer centnPer cent
 Septic arthritis7543.37397.322.7003850.71925.3810.71013.3
 No definitive diagnosis§7040.46288.6811.4002231.43347.2811.4710.0
 Kawasaki disease31.7133.3266.700133.4133.300133.3
 Malignant disease21.20021000000150.000150.0
p Value<0.01<0.01
  • *Oligoarthritis indicates between two and four joints affected.

  • †Polyarthritis indicates more than five joints affected.

  • Other joints: finger or foot joints (six cases), shoulder (four cases), elbow (three cases), wrist (one case), association of many of the above-mentioned joints (13 cases).

  • §Arthritis without any definitive diagnosis indicates arthritis with no established association with infection and that did not fulfil the classification criteria for JIA or other well-established diagnoses (haemarthrosis, Kawasaki disease, malignant disease, Gaucher disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, villo-nodular synovitis, dermatomyositis and chronic recurrent multifocal osteitis).

  • ¶Others: one Gaucher disease, one systemic lupus erythematosus, two villo-nodular synovitis, one dermatomyositis and one chronic recurrent multifocal osteitis.

  • JIA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis.