Table 6

Structural equation model for maternal (early and late pregnancy) and infant factors associated with infant length-for-age z scores at 6 months of age

Indirectly associated with infant length-for-age z scores through birth weight (g)Coefficient (95% CI)*p Value
Maternal factors
Demographic factors
 Multigravida124.8 (76.0 to 173.5)<0.001
Nutritional and health status
Height at enrolment (per 5 cm)68.5 (44 to 93)<0.001
Body mass index at enrolment (kg/m2)45.6 (34.2 to 57.1)<0.001
Gestational weight gain (kg)21.4 (12.6 to 30.1)<0.001
Micronutrient factors
Ferritin at 32 weeks (log2 μg/L)†−41.5 (−78.0 to −5.0)0.03
Infant factors
Male sex65.6 (21.1 to 110.1)0.004
Gestational age at delivery (weeks)58.8 (46.1 to 71.4)<0.001
Directly associated with infant length-for-age z scoresCoefficient (95% CI)‡p Value
Maternal factors
Demographic factors
Wealth index0.66 (0.01 to 1.31)0.05
Nutritional factors
Height at enrolment (cm)0.04 (0.03 to 0.06)<0.001
Micronutrient factors
Vitamin D at 32 weeks (per 20 nmol/L)−0.06 (−0.11 to −0.01)0.03
Infant factors
Birth weight (per 100 g)0.07 (0.05 to 0.09)<0.001
Infant hospitalisation−0.17 (−0.31 to −0.03)0.02
Male sex−0.20 (−0.32 to −0.09)<0.001
  • *Regression coefficient represents estimated mean change in birth weight (g) associated with the maternal or infant factor (note for ferritin this is for a twofold increase in ferritin levels).

  • †log2 transformed—regression coefficient represents mean change in infant birth weight associated with a twofold change in ferritin.

  • ‡Regression coefficient represents estimated mean change in length-for-age z score associated with the maternal or infant factor.