Table 1

Trials utilising educational interventions

StudyAge groupClinical groupNoInterventionControlStudy periodAdherence measureKey adherence findingsDelphi score
Salleras Sanmarti et al21Children (mean age 6.5 years)Tuberculosis prophylaxis318Group1: Education (verbal) via 3 monthly telephone call by specialist nursesUsual treatment12 monthsUrine testing for drug metaboliteGroups 1 (d=0.82*), 2 (d=1.08*), and 3 (d=0.46*) superior to control3
Group 2: Education (written and verbal), via 3 monthly home visits by specialist nursesGroup 2 superior to group 3 (d=0.62*)
Group 3: Education (written and verbal) via 3 monthly clinic visits with physician
Hughes et al25Children and adolescents (6–16 years)Asthma95Education: Specialist care and home visits (focusing on overall asthma management in addition to adherence)Usual treatment (primary care)12 monthsMedication diaryNo significant group differences for adherence3
Intervention led to better asthma control (d=0.66*)
Holzheimer et al31Children (2–5 years)Asthma80Education:Control book and control video3 monthsMedication diaryNo significant group differences3
Group 1. Asthma education book and video tape
Group 2. Asthma video, control book
Group 3. Asthma book, control video
Jay et al30Adolescent girls (14–19 years)Oral contraceptive57Education with peer counsellor (four sessions over 4 months)Education with nurse4 monthsBroad health behaviour scaleIntervention superior to control at 1 (d=0.57) and 2 months (d=0.24)4
No significant group differences at 4 months (d=0.20)
Farber et al37Children and adolescents (2–18 years)Asthma56Education (single session, videos and discussion)Usual treatment6 monthsDispensing frequencyAdherence was significantly higher in the intervention group compared to control for preventer medication but not bronchodilators6
Intervention group had lower rates of corticosteroid undertreatment (d=0.75*)
Berrien et al36Children and adolescents (1.5–20 years)HIV37Education—home visits (intensive individualised nursing intervention—8 structured home visits over 3-month period focusing on education and resolving barriers to adherence)Usual treatment+single home visit if required3 monthsSelf report questionnaire and dispensing frequencyIntervention superior to control for self-report questionnaire (d=0.66) and dispensing frequency4
Baum et al35Children and adolescents (6–16 years)Asthma20Education (single session, 2 hours involving written information, video and discussion on disorder and management) and rewards for completion of forms.Usual treatment3 monthsMedication diary and blood testing for theophyllineNo significant group differences1
  • * Effect size equivalent calculated from OR.

  • Data presented in the article do not permit calculation of effect sizes.