Table 5 Mutually adjusted effects on adult FEV1 and FVC of gender, adult height, smoking status, childhood social class, air pollution, birth weight, proportional sitting height, proportional childhood growth and cohort; both cohorts combined
Risk factorsFEV1 (ml) Difference (95% CI)FVC (ml) Difference (95% CI)
Females vs males−526.3 (−566.6 to −486.0)***−606.7 (−660.0 to −553.4)***
Adult height (cm)35.8 (33.6 to 38.1)***50.8 (47.9 to 53.8)***
Ex-smoker vs non smoker−35.5 (−63.2 to −7.7)*−6.5 (−43.6 to 30.6)
Current smoker vs non smoker−234.3 (−265.1 to −203.5)***−160.6 (−201.8 to −119.5)***
Manual vs non manual−41.7 (−64.4 to −19.1)***−76.7 (−106.5 to −47.0)***
Low vs very low air pollution−12.4 (−46.0 to 21.2)−16.7 (−61.5 to 28.2)
Moderate vs very low pollution−4.5 (−34.9 to 25.9)22.9 (−17.9 to 63.7)
High vs very low air pollution−33.3 (−70.6 to 3.9)−20.3 (−71.1 to 30.5)
Birth weight (1 kg)54.4 (28.8 to 80.1)***48.2 (14.2 to 82.1)**
Adult sitting height (% standing)11.4 (3.2 to 19.6)**18.9 (8.4 to 29.4)***
Height at 7 (% adult standing)1.1 (−3.6 to 5.8)3.6 (−2.9 to 10.1)
Cohort (1958 vs 1946)240.2 (213.6 to 266.7)***476.0 (440.0 to 512.0)***
  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001