Table 2

Characteristics of the school study group

VariableMild (n = 35)Moderate (n = 13)Severe (n = 19)Control (n = 14)
Gender: number male (%)21 (60%)11 (84.6%)8 (42.1%)6 (42.9%)
Mechanism of injury
    Fall (%)16 (45.7%)3 (23.1%)2 (10.6%)
    RTA pedestrian (%)6 (17.1%)4 (30.8%)13 (68.4%)
    RTA in vehicle (%)0 (0%)1 (7.7%)3 (15.8%)
    RTA cyclist (%)3 (8.6%)01 (5.3%)
    All RTAs9 (25.7%)5 (38.5%)17 (89.5%)
    Fall from bicycle (%)7 (20%)2 (15.4%)0
    Assault (%)1 (2.9%)1 (7.7%)0
    Sport (%)01 (7.7%)0
    Collision with another child (%)2 (5.7%)00
    Kicked by horse (%)01 (7.7%)0
    Total35 (100%)13 (100%)19 (100%)
Age at injury (yr)
    Mean (SD)8.89 (2.99)8.31 (2.98)9.79 (2.35)
Age at interview (yr)
    Mean (SD)11.69 (2.89)11.85 (3.34)12.79 (2.49)11.93 (2.79)
Years between injury and follow-up
Mean (SD)2.03 (1.47)2.85 (1.77)1.95 (1.39)NA
Days off school after TBI
    Mean(SD)21.7 (29.7)23.2 (17.9)135.9 (148.4)NA
Therapeutic input for TBI (%)4 (11.4%)1 (7.7%)4 (21%)
Townsend social deprivation
    Mean (SD)+1.13 (2.53)−0.21 (3.64+1.49 (2.71)−0.64 (2.5)