Table 2

Comparative analysis; pre- v post-onset of NPPV†

Clinical outcomeOne year pre-NPPVAnnual decrease post-NPPV95% CI
Mean (SEM)Mean (SEM)
†Data compare the year prior to and post-initiation of NPPV.
*p<0.05, **p<0.01.
No. of admissions to hospital per year4.1 (0.7)3.1 (0.8)*1.3 to 4.8
No. of days in hospital per year48.0 (10.5)41.0 (8.6)**22.6 to 59.4
No. of admissions to ICU1.1 (0.2)0.7 (0.2)0.2 to 1.2
No. of days in ICU per year12.0 (3.5)8.1 (2.9)*1.8 to 14.4
No. of nocturnal desaturations9.7 (3.4)8.9 (3.6)0.6 to 17.2
Apnoea-hypopnoea index7.3 (3.5)4.5 (1.2)1.7 to 7.4
Minimum nocturnal oxygen saturation66.2 (6.9)−22.0 (7.1)*−38.4 to −5.6
Depth of nocturnal desaturations27.9 (6.5)21.4 (6.9)*5.5 to 37.4
Baseline CO269.2 (4.1)16.3 (4.0)*7.1 to 25.6