Table 1

Primary diagnosis of admitted infants and case fatality rates

Number of cases (% of age group)Deaths (case fatality)
*Two deaths from anaemia, one from congenital hepatitis, one small for gestational age, two diagnosis unknown. †Two deaths from congenital abnormalities.
‡One death attributed to severe malnutrition.
§Two deaths were in very low weight infants, one from an encephalopathic illness with a normal CSF.
Age 0–7 days (n=432)
Neonatal sepsis130 (30%)33 (25%)
Prematurity90 (20%)47 (52%)
Neonatal jaundice75 (17%)18 (24%)
Birth asphyxia39 (9%)17 (44%)
Neonatal tetanus24 (6%)20 (83%)
Clinically apparent congenital abnormalities19 (4%)3 (16%)
Respiratory distress/transient tachypnoea8 (2%)0
Neonatal meningitis5 (1%)3 (60%)
Other42 (10%)6* (14%)
Age 8–30 days (n=260)
Severe infection/pneumonia157 (60%)10 (6%)
Neonatal tetanus17 (7%)8 (47%)
Neonatal jaundice12 (5%)1 (8%)
Prematurity/very low weight12 (5%)3 (25%)
Meningitis10 (4%)1 (10%)
Other52 (20%)2† (4%)
Age 31–60 days (n=186)
Pneumonia100 (54%)1 (1%)
Severe infection22 (12%)3 (14%)
Meningitis10 (5%)0
Other55 (30%)1‡ (4%)
Age 61–90 days (n=202)
Pneumonia106 (53%)4 (4%)
Malaria28 (14%)3 (11%)
Gastroenteritis20 (10%)1 (5%)
Meningitis6 (3%)1 (17%)
Other42 (21%)3§ (7%)