Table 1

Summary of cases in which nCPAP was used

Congenital malformations of the upper airwayn%
*Craniosynostosis syndromes (n=24) of which: Pfeiffer syndrome (n=9), Apert syndrome (n=7), Crouzon syndrome (n=6), craniocleidodysostosis (n=2).
†Isolated facial defects (n=6) including: Treacher–Collins syndrome (n=3), Pierre–Robin syndrome (n=1), hemifacial microsomia (n=1), micrognathia (n=1).
‡Osteochondrodysplasia (n=4) including: achondroplasia (n=3), Jeune syndrome (n=1).
§Obesity (n=4) including: obesity + spastic quadriplegia (n=1), obesity + spina bifida (n=1), obesity + hypothalamic syndrome (n=1), simple obesity (n=1).
Craniosynostosis syndromes*24 36.3
Isolated facial defects† 6 9.1
Osteochondrodysplasia‡ 4 6.1
Conditions predisposing to OSA
Mucopolysaccharidosis 8 12.1
Obesity§ 4 6.1
Neuromuscular disease 4 6.1
Down’s syndrome 2 3.0
Cerebral palsy 2 3.0
Lower airway structural abnormalities
Laryngotracheomalacia, bronchomalacia 3 4.5
Miscellaneous causes of OSA
Multiple congenital anomalies 1 1.5
Pickwickian syndrome 1 1.5
Sickle cell disease 1 1.5
Hydrocephalus 1 1.5
Cystic nasopharyngeal hygroma 1 1.5
Idiopathic OSA (no other causes found) 1 1.5
Infantile mixed central obstructive sleep apnoea 1 1.5
Pending adenotonsillectomy 1 1.5
Persisting OSA post-adenotonsillectomy 1 1.5