Table 3

Average scores for coping scales, and higher order factor analysis

Psychological coping strategyMean (SD)Factor 1Factor 2Factor 3
Active coping
Ignoring pain sensations2.21 (1.44)0.84
Calming self statements3.04 (1.40)0.81
Increasing activity2.63 (1.24)0.80
Diverting attention2.61 (1.38)0.80
Reinterpreting pain sensations1.58 (1.35)0.74
Praying and hoping3.49 (1.32)0.51
Affective coping
Catastrophising2.77 (1.37)0.87
Anger self statements2.50 (0.92)0.87
Fear self statements2.75 (1.26)0.79
Isolation2.23 (1.39)0.52
Passive adherence coping
Taking fluids4.34 (1.33)0.70
Resting4.29 (1.09)0.70
Heat/cold/massage2.97 (1.07)0.57