Table 4

Ability of the clinical findings to predict meningococcal infection

Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Illness79 (63 to 95)81 (76 to 87)35 (22 to 47)97 (91 to 100)
Purpura83 (68 to 98)88 (84 to 93)47 (32 to 61)98 (92 to 100)
Rash beyond SVC 100 (94 to 100)38 (31 to 45)17 (11 to 23)100 (91 to 100)
Fever >38.5°C58 (39 to 78)81 (75 to 86)27 (15 to 40)94 (88 to 100)
Fever >37.5°C79 (63 to 95)55 (48 to 62)18 (11 to 25)95 (88 to 100)
Hypotension28 (7 to 48)97 (93 to 100)71 (38 to 100)84 (75 to 92)
Capillary refill >2 seconds83 (68 to 98)85 (81 to 90)42 (28 to 56)98 (92 to 100)
  • 95% CI in parentheses.

  • PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; SVC, superior vena cava.