Table 1

Items for the diagnosis of ADHD (derived from DSM-IV).

 Careless with detail
 Fails to sustain attention
 Appears not to listen
 Does not finish instructed tasks
 Poor self organisation
 Avoids tasks requiring sustained mental effort
 Loses things
 Easily distracted
 Seems forgetful
 Leaves seat when should be seated
 Runs/climbs excessively and inappropriately
 Noisy in play
 Persistent motor overactivity unmodified by social context
 Blurts out answers before question completed
 Fails to wait turn or queue
 Interrupts others' conversation or games
 Talks excessively for social context
  • Criterion for subtypes is 6/9 on either list or, for combined type, 6/9 on each of both lists (see text), together with preschool onset, pervasiveness, and impaired functioning.