Table 1

Fatty acids in mature human milk of Pakistani mothers of malnourished children compared with Dutch controls

Pakistani (n = 8) Dutch (n = 25)
ω3 series
18:3ω30.34(0.28–0.51)1-150 1.12(0.64–2.19)
20:5ω30.02(0.01–0.09)1-153 0.05(0.00–0.29)
22:5ω30.05(0.04–0.14)1-151 0.13(0.09–0.22)
22:6ω30.06(0.04–0.14)1-151 0.14(0.10–0.65)
sumω30.53(0.37–0.64)1-150 1.45(0.90–2.54)
LCPUFAω30.13(0.09–0.29)1-151 0.32(0.23–1.17)
ω6 series
18:2ω68.73(7.45–10.61)1-151 13.84(6.44–27.69)
18:3ω60.05(0.03–0.12)1-152 0.10(0.06–0.19)
20:2ω60.15(0.14–0.17)1-150 0.25(0.18–0.37)
20:3ω60.21(0.15–0.36)1-151 0.29(0.18–0.43)
20:4ω60.26(0.20–0.44)1-153 0.33(0.24–0.43)
sumω69.35(8.22–11.69)1-151 14.80(7.40–28.97)
LCPUFAω60.69(0.57–0.96)1-151 0.96(0.77–1.22)
  • Data represent median (range), and are expressed in mol% (mol/100 mol). Duration of lactation: Pakistan (median 12.5; range 4.5–21 months); Netherlands (mean 89; range 77–103 days).

  • 1-150 p < 0.0001;

  • 1-151 p < 0.005;

  • 1-152 p < 0.001;

  • 1-153 p < 0.05.

  • LCPUFA, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (C ⩾ 20, at least three double bonds).