Table 2

Interleukin 8 (IL-8) concentrations (pg/ml) in 47 paired middle ear fluid samples, relation to aetiology of acute otitis media and day of tympanocentesis

Day 1 Day 4–5
All samples13517  (29358)9980  (11206)
Culture (+), Culture (−) (n = 22)19954 (41712)6695 (5092)
Culture (+), Culture (+) (n = 18)10048 (7942)15419 (15419)
HI (+), HI (−) (n = 8)34486 (5652)8080 (5969)
HI (+), HI (+) (n = 11)8412 (9594)13551 (17666)
Pnc (+), Pnc (−) (n = 9)13517 (29358)9980 (11206)
  • Values are means (SD).

  • In the first column, the first set of results is for day 1 and the second set is for day 4–5.

  • HI, Haemophilus influenzae; Pnc,Streptococcus pneumoniae; +, positive; −, negative.