Table 1

TBI follow up checklist

• Neurological examination
 • Epilepsy/medication
• Vision/hearing/smell
• Other medical (orthopaedic/maxillary–facial)
• Return to school
• Special educational needs status/input
• Mobility
• Behaviour (aggression, temper, disinhibition, hyperactivity)
• Mood (low, labile)
• Personality changes (drive, sense of humour)
• Social reintegration (family, peers)
• Concentration
• Short term memory
• Speech, language, word finding
• Sleep pattern (tiredness, nightmares, sleepwalking, fears, enuresis)
• Self help skills
• Appetite/weight
• Headaches/dizziness/tinnitus
• Evidence of post-traumatic stress in child, parents, other children
• Respite/family support
• Parental job change
• Rehousing needs
• Scarring/skull deformity
• Change in handedness
• Brain scan/EEG changes
• Rate of improvement—rapid, slowed, or static