Table 3

Ecological regression analysis of deprivation and population density in relation to ethnicity and incidence of tuberculosis in 0–18 year olds in Leeds District Health Authority, 1982–1997

Variable Range Incidence rate ratio 95% confidence interval
Deprivation (Carstairs index)3-151 −3.55 to −2.241
−2.03 to − to 3.76
−0.08 to 1.771.150.41 to 3.23
2.71 to 5.791.530.58 to 4.04
5.93 to 8.472.510.94 to 6.67
Ethnicity (proportion non-white)0.005 to 0.0091
0.009 to 0.0131.230.76 to 3.76
0.016 to 0.0302.160.76 to 6.18
0.034 to 0.0762.020.71 to 5.72
0.102 to 0.3393.123-150 1.12 to 8.61
Population density5.37 to 8.931
9.07 to 10.710.600.23 to 1.60
10.8 to 14.680.400.13 to 1.25
15.42 to 21.771.220.46 to 3.27
22.33 to 42.280.730.23 to 2.37
Proportion non-white0.005 to 0.0091
0.009 to 0.0131.270.43 to 3.77
0.016 to 0.0303.153-150 1.01 to 9.85
0.034 to 0.0762.180.75 to 6.39
0.102 to 0.3396.723-150 1.88 to 24.04
  • 3-151 Lower value, least deprived; higher value, most deprived.

  • 3-150 Significant at p < 0.05.