Table 3

Number of infants admitted, age at admission, and length of stay, including ICU admissions

Number of
infants admitted
age (mth)
Length of stay (days) Total hospital days ICU admissions Length of ICU stay (days) Total ICU days ICU admissions age (mth)
All at risk infants (n = 656)53 (8.1%)5  (3–10)4  (2–7)4235  (9.4%)4  (2–7)1022  (2–3)
Group 1 (n = 519)32 (6.2%)4 (2–5)3 (2–6)1552 (6.3%)7 (5–10)141.5 (1–2)
Group 2 (n = 137)213-150 (15.3%)11 (4–14)4 (2–8)2683 (14.3%)1 (1–44)883 (3–4)
  • Values shown are number (percentage) or median (interquartile range).

  • 3-150 p = 0.001 compared with group 1.