Table 1

Clinical details of 11 children with evidence of tuberculous infection

Patient Age (y) Heaf at 2 wk Heaf at 8 wk CXR Symptoms, signs Treatment Outcome
F413AbnormalCough, cracklesFullCompleted, CXR normal, well
M313AbnormalCoughFullCompleted, CXR normal. well
M302NormalNoneFullCompleted, well
M403NormalNoneFullCompleted, well
F212NormalNoneProphylaxisCompleted, well
F212NormalNoneProphylaxisCompleted, well
M203AbnormalCoughFullCompleted, well, CXR normal
F303AbnormalCough, fever, anorexia, nodesFullLost to follow up
F2.514AbnormalCough, crackles, feverFullCompleted, well, CXR normal
F31+ve MantouxAbnormalNoneFullCompleted, well, CXR normal
M212NormalNoneProphylaxisCompleted, well
  • CXR, chest radiograph.

  • Full treatment: rifampicin and isoniazid for six months, plus pyrazinamide for first two months.

  • Prophylaxis: rifampicin and isoniazid for three months.