Table 2

Age related incidence of infections among 311 patients in the cohort group and 3509 patients in the main study patients given as standardised infections rates (SIR)

Age group (years)
0–2 3–5 6–9 10–19 20+
Cohort group
 Patient-years × 10000.870.811.011.940.24
 95% CI(23.1 to 53.9)(20.9 to 51.8)(10.5 to 29.0)(3.7 to 13.5)(6.6 to 57.8)
 95% CI(1.3 to 2.9)(1.1 to 2.8)(0.6 to 1.6)(0.2 to 0.7)(0.4 to 3.1)
Main group
 Patient-years × 10001.072.313.539.6916.62
 95% CI(11.9 to 34.7)(8.8 to 20.0)(3.9 to 9.6)(0.8 to 2.5)(1.7 to 3.3)
 95% CI(3.2 to 9.4)(2.4 to 5.4)(1.1 to 2.6)(0.02 to 0.7)(0.5 to 0.9)
Both patient groups
 Patient-years × 10001.943.124.5411.6316.85
 95% CI(19.2 to 36.9)(13.4 to 24.5)(6.1 to 11.9)(1.5 to 3.5)(1.9 to 3.5)
 95% CI(3.4 to 6.6)(2.4 to 5.4)(1.1 to 2.1)(0.3 to 0.6)(0.3 to 0.6)
  • CI, confidence intervals.