Table 1

Consensus for surgical management of brain stem tumours (UK paediatric neurosurgical group)16

Anatomical site/ imaging characterisiticsProbable pathologySurgical management
 Tectal plateLow grade astocytoma, exclude non-germinomatous germ cell tumours by measuring tumour markersObserve/cerebrospinal fluid diversion if necessary, consider debulking if tumour progresses
 OtherAs for PonsAs for Pons
 DiffuseHigh grade astrocytomaNo biopsy proceed to radiotherapy
 Focal solid/cysticLow/high grade astrocytomaDrain cysts/debulk solid component DXT depending upon severity of neurological signs
 ExophyticLow/high grade astrocytomaDebulk
MedullaAs for PonsNeurological, results of surgery poor
Cervico-medullaryLow grade astrocytomaRadical removal
  • DXT, dual x ray therapy.