Table 5

Advantages and disadvantages of participation

Number (%) of parents (n = 181)
Investigator on call 24 hours a day68 (38%)
Extra medical care and information66 (37%)
The possible efficacy of the study medication22 (12%)
No advantages25 (14%)
Temperature measurements and administering of study medication during a fever episode21 (12%)
Hospital visits at fever onset10 (6%)
Time consuming aspect and work involved in general10 (6%)
The possible inefficacy of the study medication4 (2%)
 Bad taste of the study medication3 (2%)
 Possible side effects6 (3%)
 Not allowed to administer paracetamol4 (2%)
 Uncertainty about administering placebo or ibuprofen6 (3%)
 Entering the medical circuit1 (1%)
No disadvantages116 (64%)