Table 1

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for motivation.6 It is proposed that each category needs to be satisfied before the next (lower) can be met

Steps to motivationImproved byDecreased by
Physiological needsLack of distractionsLack of sleep
Distractions financial
Relationship problems
Conflicts in conditions of service
SafetyFeeling supportedThreat
BelongingFeeling part of a teamExclusion
Feeling necessaryLack of consultation
Trainers showing interest in  trainees
Self esteemPraiseHumiliation
Constructive feedbackDestructive feedback
Constructive criticismDestructive criticism
Others expressing pride in your  achievementsUnrealistic expectations
Opinion valued
Self fulfilmentPerceived relevancePassivity
 short term aims Perceived irrelevance
 long term aimsUnrealistic expectations
Impending assessment