Table 3

Percentage change in geometric triceps skinfold thickness from 1983–84 to 1993–94, and mean triceps skinfold standard deviation scores (SDS) at the end of the study

SampleBoysGirlsMean SDS (SE)
% change(95% CI)% change(95% CI)
English white4.54(2.77 to 6.35)2.85(1.15 to 4.58) 0.00
Scottish white0.06(−2.03 to 2.21)−1.39(−3.38 to 2.72) 0.02 (0.02)
Inner city
White−4.74(−7.16 to −2.27)−4.39(−6.94 to −1.77)−0.08 (0.02)
Afro-Caribbean0.53(−4.08 to 5.36)2.00(−2.63 to 6.85)−0.40 (0.04)
Urdu/Punjabi0.72(−2.99 to 4.56)4.16(0.83 to 7.60)−0.06 (0.03)
Gujarati4.57(−2.28 to 11.89)11.17(5.09 to 18.81)−0.16 (0.06)
Other Indian−0.14(−7.76 to 8.12)8.74(0.58 to 17.57)−0.20 (0.06)